ORCS! was a series I started the same year that my son was born, and if you travel back in my blog, you can find a brief write up on it.
A few years ago I managed to strike a publishing deal with BOOM Studios to release ORCS! as a three part graphic novel series. As a fan of three part novel series’, how could I turn it down? But another series (By Night), a year of writing/arting, and one pandemic later, the direct market was seeing more profit and it seemed as though the book would be released in its original form.
The first six books, slated for release starting February 10th, 2021, encompass the first graphic novel, and will eventually be collected along with a good number of extra material sometime in 2022.
The Orcs are here and they’ve come for you! Exiled from their tribe for a crime they definitely committed, Bog and his motley crew of adventurers are on the hunt for a suitable treasure to bribe their way back in. But it’s not easy out there in the Known World when everyone wants to eat or shoot you, and some threats rise straight out of legend.
ORCS! is an homage to the fantasy genre, written with affection and irreverence, where minions and monsters are explored beyond the usual antagonist or cannon fodder. I hope very much that you will all join me on this adventure!
You can add ORCS! to your pull list via your local comic shop or preorder it on THE BOOM! Studios WEBSITE. (Please note the current typo on the site. There are 6, not 5, issues)
Here is a 16 page (just about half!) preview of issue 1

Many thanks to Sweeney Boo for creating a wonderful variant cover!