Imaginary Beings is a mini comic that I created earlier this year for the Camden Comic Con. Since my table was given for free, I really wanted to do a special piece for the con, and I came up with a series of short folk tales.
This little book was a twofold exercise. For one, I did the art to size. That is, I did not draw on a large page and shrink it down to print. I did all my final art 4.25 x 5.5 inches. I worked this way because I wanted to focus on form and shape and layout. Also, I wanted those pages done quickly, as I had other deadlines looming.
I used brush pens to ink instead of brushes so I could get those teeny lines drawn quickly!
I also decided to work without a script, drawing the boxes before I knew what I was going to be comicking about. I've done little exercises like that before: where I write something stream of consciousness... but never with a theme in mind and never for more than two pages. I was relived to find the larger stories take shape rather quickly. I'm still not sure I would dare more than a six page story done like this, but it was fun. Stressful and freeing at the same time.
I am hoping to take some of these minis and blow them out into larger one issue comicks. I was really happy with The Boar, so expect that to appear in a more thoughtful form in the future...
You can buy this little comic, along with other zines I have done HERE.